Category: Others

Is India Sleeping?

I Support Taj

 India has around 170 million mobile phone users and one person in every 50 has access to a personal computer.

But, the lack of enthusiasm in India to vote for the 17th-Century Taj Mahal has been striking.

Lacklustre voting over the past few months has seen the Taj Mahal get just enough votes to get at the bottom of the top 10 list.

Until a few weeks ago, there was virtually no information about the campaign.

Although some private television channels are now calling upon people to vote, most people are yet to hear about the campaign.

A special composition by ace musician AR Rahman, ‘India Unites for the Taj’, to drum up support for the monument has come a little too late in the day.

And worst of all, many say, the Indian government remains completely aloof from the campaign.

Alternatively you can send an email to with subject TAJ and ELECT in the body.

Even if you don’t have a penny to your name, it’s still possible help your favorite causes. All that’s required of you is a simple click of a mouse. By visiting “free click” donation sites, you can give money to a charity by clicking a special button and viewing advertisers. Best of all, your donation won’t cost you a single rupee.
End Poverty
Most of the programs work in a similar way. You click a button (usually limited to one click per day) which will bring up a new page with a number of sponsored advertisement buttons. By simply looking at these advertisements, the advertisers make a small donation toward the cause. It’s that simple.

Although most charity sites don’t require a visit to the sponsor’s site, the charity sites encourage you to visit their sponsors for the simple reason that the more successful the advertising is for the sponsors, the more likely the advertisers will continue sponsoring the charity involved. There are also a few sites where the cause will earn even more money if you click through to the advertiser’s site.

Solve Poverty: Click to help educate children and create a job for their parents.

Global e-Inclusion Movement: Click to help pay for the cost of resources and activities (e.g., training, equipment, etc.) supporting the development of ICT for education projects in poor areas of the world.

Feed South Africa: Click to help feed a hungry person in South Africa. Click to donate food to the hungry.

Save The Iberian Lynx: Help promote cork plantations which gives habitat to this endangered species (click the “sos” button on right directly under the Google ads).

Stop The Hunger: Click to help buy a meal for an American who can’t afford to eat.

The Animal Rescue Site: Click provides food for an animal in a shelter or sanctuary.

Land Care Niagara: Click to help plant trees.

The Breast Cancer Site: Click to help fund free mammograms.

The Hunger Site: Click to help fight world hunger.

The Rainforest Site: Click to help save the rainforest.

The Child Health Site: Click to help save young lives.

The Literacy Site: Click to help give free books. Click to help feed the hungry in Poland.

The Birth Site: Click to help women get the needed resources to continue their pregnancies (they have no political affiliations with either side of the abortion issue).

Word and Deed: Click to help the poorest of the poor in Africa, Asia and Central America. Click on the red “geef gratis een gift voor een straatkind” link.


Environment Clicks

The links below are free click websites that donate to environmental issues.

Please only click the links one time. Most sites will only count a single click each day so multiple clicks to the same site does not help the cause.

Ecology Fund: Rainforest: Help protect the South American rainforest.

Ecology Fund: Coastal: Help protect the Patagonian Coastal Reserve.

Ecology Fund: Species: Help protect the Canadian Wild Lands.

Ecology Fund: USA: Help protect the Cascade old-growth & wildlife corridors and Palmyra Atoll.

Ecology Fund: Clean Air: Help remove CO2 (carbon dioxide) by the purchase of pollution credits.

Oaks Of The World: Help plant oak forests.

2Care Oceans: Help save the oceans.

2Care Marine Wetlands: Help save save marine wetlands.

Free Donation: Environment: Help protect the environment.

Waste Site: Help provide clean-up efforts of man made garbage.

Wild Globe: Help save the Mexican rainforest.

Solar Site: Help provide solar power to under-deveoped areas.

Project Forest Watch: Help to save forests in Malaysia and Brasil.

Click The Planet Tanzania: Help to save African savanna to create a national park in Tanzania.

Click The Planet Amazon: Help to save the Amazon rainforest.Medical Clicks

The links below are free click websites that donate to medical issues.

Please only click the links one time. Most sites will only count a single click each day so multiple clicks to the same site does not help the cause.

Sites In The Bulk Medical Donation Link:

Free Donation: AIDS: Help fight AIDS.

2Care: Breast Cancer: Help eliminate environmental causes of breast cancer.

Craig Research Labs: Help support cancer research at The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Free Donation: Cancer: Help in the effort to defeat cancer.

Mater Care: Help provide simple, inexpensive surgery to correct obstetric fistulae.

Give A Minute: Give 1 minute of medical care for a patient in the Tarahumara Children’s Hospital.Poverty Clicks

The links below are free click websites that donate to poverty, hunger & homelessness issues.

Please only click the links one time. Most sites will only count a single click each day so multiple clicks to the same site does not help the cause.

End Homelessness Now: Help end homelessness.

Free Donation: Homeless: Help house the homeless.

Poverty Fighters: Help provide microloans to help the poor become self-employed.

Free Donation: Children: Help prevent diseases and conditions that kill children.

Hungry Children: Help feed a hungry child.

Free Donation: Hunger: Help end world hunger.

Porlos Chicos: Help feed hungry children in Argentina.

The Water Site: Help build water wells.

Site da Fome: Help feed the hungry.

Semi-Arid Campaign: Help provide fresh, clean water for families in Brazil.Animal Clicks

The links below are free click websites that donate to animal issues.

Please only click the links one time. Most sites will only count a single click each day so multiple clicks to the same site does not help the cause.

2Care: Pets In Need: Help save pets in need.

2Care: Tiger: Help save the tiger.

2Care: Jaguar: Help save the jaguar.

2Care: Leopard: Help save the leopard.

2Care: Primates: Help save save chimps and other primates.

Give Us A Home: Help donate food to animal shelters.